Monitoring the World Heritage Site

Monitoring the World Heritage Site
One of our key management responsibilities is monitoring the World Heritage Site to ensure that its Outstanding Universal Value is maintained. UNESCO’s Operational Guidelines require the submission of periodic reports to assess the state of conservation of the World Heritage Sites as well as focus future activities and funds. In order to comply with the guidelines, the production and distribution of an annual monitoring report is identified as an action in the Management Plan.
Key Performance Indicators
World Heritage Sites have an obligation to ensure that their outstanding universal value is being maintained over time and interpreted to the public. To achieve this, monitoring indicators have been put in place, tailored to the specific values of each World Heritage Site. All UK World Heritage Sites have been encouraged to base their own key indicators on an extensive list of generic indicators compiled by ICOMOS UK. The Partnership has selected the indicators relevant to this site and agreed responsibilities for each indicator with key stakeholders.
Key Performance Indicators 2019pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2018pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2017pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2016pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2015pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2014pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2013pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2012pdf
Key Performance Indicators 2011pdf
The Annual Report
The Annual Report includes all the work undertaken by numerous individuals, groups and organisations within the Site to achieve the aims of the Management Plan.
Its purpose is to:
- Identify the work and achievement for the past year;
- Review the condition and progress of conservation of the site;
- Monitor the implementation of the Management Plan Objectives and Actions;
- Assess the effectiveness of management of the site and identify any changes required;
- Inform partners and the public of progress;
- Help prioritise actions for the coming year.
In 2007/08, we identified fifty monitoring views within the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site as sensitive and needing to be closely monitored. We assess these every five years as part of the Management Plan review. This helps us to ensure that the Outstanding Universal Value of the Derwent Valley Mills is maintained, and their setting is preserved and enhanced. The views are representative and do not infer that other views within the World Heritage Site and buffer zone are less significant.
You can see all the views by clicking on the link below.
Monitoring Views 2022 (pdf to download)