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Fri 10th Nov
Research volunteers

Free workshop for researchers. Discover more about researching in the Derwent Valley Mils World Heritage Site. Understand what information is out there and how to access it. Hear stories from others on their research and how research can be better used as a resource.

Venue: Gothic Warehouse, Cromford Wharf, Cromford Canal,
Time: 10am to 4pm
Cost: Free, please bring or buy your own lunch.
Booking: Essential, places are limited. Please email

More Information: Event Sponsor University of Derby

10.00 – Introduction and objectives for the day – Adrian Farmer
10.10 – Mind your Manors – Karen Millhouse
10.30 – Case study 1 – Economics, conscience and politics, the Evans family Darley Abbey – Karen Willis
10.50 – Collections to Explore: Derby Local Studies and Derbyshire Archaeological Society – Mark Young, Rosemary Annable
11.10 – Ask the experts: Question and Answer session
11.30 – Refreshment break
11.45 – The continuing legacy of the Midland Railway – Dave Harris
12.05 – Case study 2 – A Textile Led Journey – Kim Kerry
12.25 – Researching from Objects – Spencer Bailey
12.45 – Ask the experts: Question and Answer session
13.00 Lunch (Bring your own or order from the wharf cafe before the first session)
14.00 – Using the DVMWHS Research Framework Wiki – David Knight
14.20 – Global Cotton Connections – interactions between historical research and public art – Dr Susanne Seymour and Rachel Carter
14.40 – Pathways to Publishing your Research – Cath Feely
15.00 – Case Study 3 – Putting a face to history – Rosemary Annable
15.20 – Refreshment break
15.30 – Using research to enhance engagement – Georgina Greaves
15.50 – Question and Answer session
16.00 – Close

The building will be open until 16.30 for networking and the chance to view original documents and artefacts.

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