Soft Market Testing

The Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site (DVMWHS) Partnership and site operators are looking for a consultant to provide a creative digital proposition, digital products and assist with recommendations for future work to bring the DVMWHS to life through Virtual or Augmented Reality (VR/AR).
The aim of this Soft Market Testing Exercise (SMTE) is to understand how VR/AR can contribute to providing a cohesive experience of the DVMWHS for local residents and visitors to gain a new insight into existing and lost buildings. Any eventual products will be designed to act as seed funding to develop new products that can be sustainably maintained, refreshed or expanded to cover other areas of the DVMWHS.
The testing will help develop our requirements for how the VR/AR products will provide an interpretative tool for the DVMWHS. This project may include creative elements but is primarily aimed at enhancing understanding of the heritage and cultural landscape connected to the world heritage status.
To tender for this work, follow the link below: