Young Entrepreneurs Leaders Workshop

Young Entrepreneurs: Leaders Workshop
Book now for our FREE Young Entrepreneurs Leaders Workshop and inspire the young creative entrepreneurs of the future. We will share with you how you can use heritage sites to develop creativity skills with young people aged 11-24.
Date: Wednesday 24th March
Time: 2pm-4pm
Venue: Microsoft Teams online interactive
Cost: FREE
Who is it for: Teachers, group leaders, heritage site staff and volunteers, and artists who work with young people aged 11 to 24.
Workshop aims:
- Explore the framework of the Young Entrepreneurs project and how it can be used on heritage sites.
- Take part in some of the activities together online to experience this approach.
- Provide all participants with a full guide with session instructions and resources.
The workshop will take place online using Microsoft Teams. It will start with a presentation about the project and then involve, demonstrations, videos and participatory activities and break out rooms. You will be emailed full joining instructions including the meeting link and a plan for the session the week before the workshop.
To book and confirm your place please click this link and complete the form.
Young Entrepreneurs was a project developed and led by Derbyshire Environmental Studies Service from 2018 to 2020 and was one part of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site ‘Great Place Scheme’ (funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Arts Council England).
The project aimed to:
- Work with young people of different abilities aged 11-24.
- Use the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site, its heritage, creativity, entrepreneurial and factory production past to inspire the young creative entrepreneurs of the future.
- Develop a range of employability, transferable and creative arts skills, including teamwork, co-operation, financial, production, place-based creative responses, confidence etc.
- Bring together educational settings (schools, colleges, learning communities), local artists and creative practitioners operating businesses in the Derbyshire area and Heritage Sites from across the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site to skill share and collaborate together in a ‘real world’ project.
We look forward to sharing this project with you. Book your free place by completing this form.