Young Entrepreneurs Project

Young Entrepreneurs Project Resources
Using heritage sites to develop creativity and employability skills
Young Entrepreneurs the context:
Young Entrepreneurs was a project developed and led by Derbyshire Environmental Studies Service between 2018 to 2020 and was one part of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site (DVMWHS) Great Place Scheme.
Funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Arts Council England and supported by Historic England the Derwent Valley Mills Great Place Scheme is a programme of activities which is the next step in engaging people with the uniqueness of our Great Place.
“The programme will use the Derwent Valley Mills’ industrial heritage and spirit of innovation and making to inspire creative activities which enable people to connect and communicate with the culture and heritage at the heart of this historically significant place.
There will be a range of opportunities for people to experience, enjoy and be inspired by arts, culture and heritage in the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.”
The project aimed to:
- Work with young people of different abilities aged 11 – 21
- Use the DVMWHS, its heritage, creativity, entrepreneurial and factory production past to inspire the young creative entrepreneurs of the future.
- Develop a range of employability, transferable and creative arts skills including teamwork, co-operation, financial, production, place-based creative responses, confidence etc.
- Bring together, to skill share and collaborate in a ‘real world’ project:
- educational settings (schools, colleges, learning communities)
- local artists and creative practitioners operating businesses in the Derbyshire area
- Heritage Sites from across the DVMWHS.
The Process:
The format of the project is four day sessions:
- An introductory day in the group setting or school “Being Young Entrepreneurs”.
- A “Site inspiration visit” to a location within the DVMWHS of their choosing.
- A “Production day” making and manufacturing products.
- A final “Sales event” pitching or selling products.
The Leaders’ Guide provides a detailed framework, activity guidelines and all the resources that you can download and adapt to lead your own ‘Young Entrepreneurs’ project with a group of young people.
You are welcome to use and adapt these resources and this process for yourself, but we request that you reference and credit Derbyshire Environmental Studies Service and the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site if you do this.
The Young Entrepreneurs Leaders’ Guide
Day 1 ‘Being Young Entrepreneurs’ Resources
Activity 2 – A postcard from a World Heritage Site
Activity 2 – Virtual visit WHS Instragram template
Activity 2 – What is the DVMWHS? powerpoint
Activity 4 – Introduction to the Project powerpoint
Activity 5 – A3 Site Voting Sheets
Activity 5 – Student Site Note Sheets
Activity 5 – Young Entrepreneurs film: The Sites
Day 2 ‘Site Inspiration Visit’ Resources
Activity 1 – Site Visit Quiz Answers
Activity 3 – Gathering Inspiration Worksheet
Day 3 ‘Production Day’ Resources
Activity 1 and 4 – Product Score Card
Day 4 ‘Sales Event’ Resources
Additional Resources to help with your Young Entrepreneurs Project
How to make a clay tile
Simple instructions on how to make a clay tile from ceramic artist Elaine Lim Newton.
How to make a Pinch Pot
Simple instructions on how to make a pinch pot from ceramic artist Elaine Lim Newton.
Tips on Logo Design
Hints and tips on creating strong logo designs from graphic designer Liz Handley.
Young Entrepreneurs Leaders Workshop
This webinar recording is the leaders’ training workshop that took place on 24th March 2021. It guides you through how to deliver your own Young Entrepreneurs project as a group leader, teacher, heritage site staff or volunteer or artist. It also includes how to deliver some of the activities and answers questions that our participants had. You can watch, take part online and if you have any other questions or queries please email